Ted Oakley: Where are Gold & Silver Heading in 2023?

Wall Street Silver, Released on 6/6/23

Ted Oakley returns to the show, and this time, we discuss the economic impact of the recent debt ceiling deal and the Federal Reserve’s dilemma. He shares insights on the relationship between bond prices and precious metals, particularly gold and silver. Find out his thoughts on the future of gold prices and where Oxbow Advisors is investing. Furthermore, he mentions that he prefers larger gold mining companies and his views on the potential end of the US dollar’s dominance.

Ted Oakley, the founder of Oxbow Advisors and co-founder of its predecessor firm, HPO Advisors, has over thirty-five years of experience in the investment industry. The “Oxbow Principles” and the firm’s proprietary investment strategies were developed as a result of the unique perspective Ted gained throughout his almost four-decade tenure advising high net worth investors.

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