Ed Steer: Markets Would Be A ‘Smoldering Ruin’ If Manipulation Ended

Ed Steer: Markets Would Be A ‘Smoldering Ruin’ If Manipulation Ended

Liberty and Finance, Released on 7/25/24 (Recorded on 7/24/24) In these tumultuous times marked by political upheaval and economic uncertainty, understanding the true dynamics of the stock market and financial systems is crucial. Ed Steer (https://edsteergoldsilver.com) offers insightful analysis, highlighting structural imbalances and the pervasive intervention in markets that distort reality. He emphasizes a cautious […]

When Price Suppression Ends, Silver Will Rise By ‘Many Orders of Magnitude’: Ed Steer

When Price Suppression Ends, Silver Will Rise By ‘Many Orders of Magnitude’: Ed Steer

Commodity Culture, Released on 6/27/24 Ed Steer sees a light at the end of the silver price suppression tunnel, as he notices it’s getting more and more difficult for bullion banks and others involved in manipulating the market to keep from being overrun. With geopolitical turmoil, global conflict, and unsustainable debt all on the rise, […]

Ed Steer Gold And Silver – We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Ed Steer Gold And Silver – We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

GoldCore, Released on 10/4/22 00:00- Intro 01:04- Current global market situation 04:03- How bad inflation will get 07:27- Depression in Europe 08:43- The floor is lava 10:10- Central banks buying gold 13:20- Challenges ahead 14:37- The tipping point 16:10- Owning precious metals will protect you 25:15- Wrap up Ed Steer is the founder of Ed […]

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