Schiff: QE won’t cure the coronavirus or the economy

YouTube/PeterSchiff, Released on 2/18/20

– Coronavirus may be worse than anyone thought, but why aren’t the markets worried?
– Gold mining stocks looking positive again.
– Underlying weakness in the dollar being revealed in gold.
– Obama and Trump are fighting over a booming economy that doesn’t exist.
– 1/3rd of Americans run out of money between paychecks.
– Over 25% of households spend half or more of their income on rent.
– Delinquencies on auto-loans are higher now than they were at the worst part of the great recession.
– Bernie Sanders has an advantage over Michael Bloomberg.
– Art Laffer cheerleads Trump on Fox Business.
– Trump nominates ass-kissing liar to the Fed.

Peter Schiff is an internationally recognized economist specializing in the foreign equity, currency and gold markets. Mr. Schiff made his name as President and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital. He frequently delivers lectures at major economic and investment conferences, and is quoted often in the print media, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Barron’s, BusinessWeek, Time and Fortune. His broadcast credits include regular guest appearances on CNBC, Fox Business, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News Channel, as well as hosting his own weekly radio show, Wall Street Unspun. He’s also the author of the bestselling books: Crash Proof 2.0, The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets:, and The Real Crash: America’s Coming Bankruptcy – How to Save Yourself and Your Country.8

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