Alasdair Macleod: The Biggest Risk to the Dollar, China’s Gold Buying, Silver’s Price Rise

The Money Levels Show, Released on 5/26/24 In this discussion with Alasdair Macleod, we cover the current macroeconomic landscape, increased gold buying from Chinese citizens, Silver’s price move, and mining stocks. 0:26 – Current assessment of economy and markets 2:11 – US government’s deficit funding challenges 4:06 – Shift in gold price and market realities […]

Gold & Silver Mining Stocks Exposed: Long-Term Reality Revealed | Mike Maloney

Gold & Silver Mining Stocks Exposed: Long-Term Reality Revealed | Mike Maloney

Gold Silver (w/ Mike Maloney), Released on 2/28/24 Join Mike Maloney and Alan Hibbard in this insightful discussion on the performance of precious metals versus mining stocks. With historical charts and data, the video reveals the underperformance of mining stocks over the long term, citing risks such as mine collapses, bad management, and more. Discover […]

Bob Moriarty: Fed, Mid-East Drama, Oil, Lithium, Gold Mining Stocks

Bob Moriarty: Fed, Mid-East Drama, Oil, Lithium, Gold Mining Stocks

Goldseek, Released on 2/2/24 (Recorded on 2/1/24) – Fed Chairman Powell may bank on rate cuts, choosing QT over QA! – Bob cautions investors to avoid “herd” mentality. – We review the current Fed rate cut probabilities, suggesting 1-2% rate cuts this year in the benchmark overnight lending rate (Dave pls. insert chart now): – […]

A Discussion Of Gold & Silver Mining Stocks With Mike Maloney, David Morgan and Jeff Clark (Part 2/3)

A Discussion Of Gold & Silver Mining Stocks With Mike Maloney, David Morgan and Jeff Clark (Part 2/3)

Gold Silver (w/ Mike Maloney), Released on 6/19/20 (Recorded on 6/17/20) For Part 1 of this interview, CLICK HERE For Part 3 of this interview, CLICK HERE With precious metals getting more coverage in financial news, it’s only a matter of time until attention is drawn to the gold and silver mining stocks. Will they […]

Eric Sprott talks about the recent price moves and break down all the recent gold and silver news

Sprott Money, Released on 5/1/20 Sprott Money News · Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 05.01.20 Eric Sprott has more than 40 years of experience in the investment industry. In 1981, he founded Sprott Securities (now called Cormark Securities Inc.), which today is one of Canada’s largest independently owned securities firms. In 2001, Eric established […]

Schiff: QE won’t cure the coronavirus or the economy

Schiff: QE won’t cure the coronavirus or the economy

YouTube/PeterSchiff, Released on 2/18/20 – Coronavirus may be worse than anyone thought, but why aren’t the markets worried? – Gold mining stocks looking positive again. – Underlying weakness in the dollar being revealed in gold. – Obama and Trump are fighting over a booming economy that doesn’t exist. – 1/3rd of Americans run out of […]