Rick Rule’s Rules On How To Not Lose Money In Gold and Silver Stocks

Financial Survival Network, Released on 5/21/20

According to Rick Rule, yes we are in a precious metals bull market. That means that there are huge fortunes to be made buying select gold and silver mining stocks. But you have to be extremely careful. According to Rick, there are some 1500 publicly traded zombie miners. These companies don’t exist to return profits to their shareholders, but are more interested in lining management’s pockets. With 8 geologists on his staff, as well as a lifetime of experience wading through these rocky shoals, Rick is quite adept at avoiding the surefire losers. He explains how you can do it too. The strategy is simple, for every mining stock in your portfolio, just spend one hour per month reading everything you can find about them. This includes their interviews, public filings and proxy statements. After doing this for awhile, you’ll understand how to separate the winners from the losers. And you’ll become a winner too. Take a look at the Barron’s Gold Mining Index. It’s quite fascinating and useful and you’ll see why we’re going to see a major advance in a relatively short period of time.

Rick Rule, founder and chairman of Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd., began his career in the securities business in 1974. He is a leading American retail broker specializing in mining, energy, water utilities, forest products and agriculture. His company has built a national reputation on taking advantage of global opportunities in the oil and gas, mining, alternative energy, agriculture, forestry and water industries.

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