Jeff Clark: Battling Black Swans

Monetary Metals, Released on 11/15/23

Jeff Clark joins the podcast to discuss the importance of gold in a portfolio, the impact of higher interest rates, black swan events, and what to look out for in a downturn. Jeff Clark also shares insights on the unique qualities of silver, mining stocks, and how to hit paydirt!

[00:00:00]: Jeff Clark
[00:00:32]: Rate Impact
[00:02:43]: Potential Rate Cuts
[00:03:03]: Possibility of Negative Interest Rates
[00:04:12]: Black Swan Events
[00:06:10]: Unknown Unknowns
[00:08:15]: Silver is Unique
[00:09:39]: Precious Metals
[00:12:49]: Gold Allocation
[00:16:09]: Subscribe!

Jeff Clark is editor and lead writer of BIG GOLD, the monthly gold-investment newsletter from Doug Casey’s Casey Research. He is also the Senior Precious Metals Analyst at Having worked on his family’s gold claims in California and Arizona, and analyzing the big trends in gold’s bull market, Jeff and his team aim to highlight safe and profitable ways for the prudent investor to capitalize on today’s long-term rise.

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