Interest Rates and Market Speculation with Financial Historian James Grant

WealthTrack, Released on 11/17/23

James Grant, Founder and Editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, joins us to discuss the history of bond market cycles and why the dramatic rise in interest rates that began in March of last year might have ushered in a prolonged bear market in bonds. Grant argues that bond yields have trended in generation-length periods, with each cycle lasting at least 20 years. He believes that the bull market in bonds that began in the early 1980s has now come to an end, and that we are now embarking on a long-term period of rising interest rates. Grant’s perspective is important because he has been warning of a bond bear market for many years. He has argued that the central banks’ aggressive monetary stimulus policies have created a bubble in the bond market and that this bubble is now bursting.

Part 1 (part 2 below)

Grant shares his insights on a wide range of financial topics, including booms and busts, corporate finance, inflation, and the evolution of central banking. Grant also discusses his prescient analyses of the 2007-2009 credit crisis and offers warnings about the perils of cryptocurrencies and low-interest rates. He also unveils the one trait shared by successful investors, providing valuable insights for navigating the ever-changing financial landscape.

Part 2

James “Jim” Grant is an American writer and publisher and the founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, a twice-monthly journal of the financial markets. He is the author , most recently, of The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself. Grant’s television appearances include “60 Minutes,” “The Charlie Rose Show,” Bloomberg TV, CNBC and other well-known financial news sources. His journalism has appeared in a variety of periodicals, including the “Financial Times”, “The Wall Street Journal” and “Foreign Affairs.”

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