Ed Dowd: Banking Failures and Market Crash Will Lead to Great Reset

Natalie Brunell, Released on 5/15/24

In this episode with Ed Dowd, we discuss:

– The current state of the economy and whether a bust is looming
– What would a 30-50% stock crash look like and could money printing ‘save it’
– Bank consolidations: Ed predicts failures of many regional banks and a few Too Big to Fail Banks emerging at the top
– How will a CBDC work?
– What is MMT?
– Is Bitcoin the solution to the broken financial system?
– Are leaders malicious or incompetent? Why the divide of red vs blue?
– Why Ed sees a lot of hope

00:00 Working at BlackRock
3:23 Making money close to the printing press
4:40 Macroeconomic picture
8:34 Bitdeer Technologies Group
9:33 Why is 2024 different?
12:04 “How the sausage is made” viral video
13:55 Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
15:31 Who profits from a CBDC?
17:02 Transitioning to CBDC
18:18 How does a CBDC work?
20:43 “Bitcoin is here to stay”
21:55 Can the US Dollar be saved?
24:17 Bitcoin 2024
24:45 Speed Bitcoin Lightning Wallet
25:06 Coinkite Coldcard Wallet
25:27 The Bitcoin Way
26:01 Politics is about dividing classes
30:06 “Period of austerity is coming”
32:49 Chances of a great depression
34:59 What gives Ed hope?
38:10 Advice for young people
40:15 Believing in Bitcoin
41:37 “We can no longer be the savior of the world.”
46:16 Fountain App

Edward Dowd is currently a Founding Partner of Phinance Technologies, a global macro alternative investment firm. He is also author of the new book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022.” Edward has worked on Wall Street most of his career, spanning both credit markets and equity markets. Some of the firms he worked for include HSBC, Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette and Independence Investments. Most notably, he worked at Blackrock as a portfolio manager where he managed a $14 billion Growth equity portfolio for ten years. After BlackRock, he founded OceanSquare Asset Management with two former BlackRock colleagues.

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