Chris Martenson: Time To Prepare For Coronavirus Is Running Out

Peak Prosperity, Released on 2/24/20

To Watch Update #30, CLICK HERE

OK…despite more worldwide infections than ever, the WHO has decided to stop using the (technically very accurate) term “pandemic” to describe covid-19, presumably because they don’t want to scare folks.

The CDC is claiming that the US is not seeing “community level” spreading of the virus. But of course it isn’t, because it’s NOT testing at the community level. And only 3 US states currently have the capacity to run such tests, due to faulty kits being provided to the other states.

Then there’s State Department’s botched rescue of US citizens stuck on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, during which poor safety controls allowed 25 more folks to get infected on the flight back to the US.

And these are the authorities we’re depending on??

China, meanwhile, is lowering response levels in several provinces, setting the stage for workers to head back to the factories. BUT…they’ve postponed the National People’s Conference. So, it’s still too serious for the the ‘important’ people to be in public, but the plebes have nothing to worry about??

China is facing a lose-lose decision: maintain their widespread quarantines to contain the virus, but kill their economy? Or send people back to work, and risk infecting millions more?

Today, the markets *finally* started to show concern for the hit global trade is taking from this growing crisis. If the euphoria pushing markets to new highs is dissipating, there is an awful lot of empty space below today’s asset prices compared to their fundamentals-based valuations. Translation = the markets can fall a LOT farther from here.

To reiterate our guidance: the time to prepare — physically and financially — is NOW. As China, Italy, South Korea, Iran and other countries are showing us, a government lockdown happens swiftly, slamming shut your window to act.

Use the time you still have as the precious gift it is, and strengthen your preparations.

Now… READ Chris’ other free reports on the coronavirus:

1) How to protect yourself & your family from covid-19:…

2) How the coronavirus is going to cause a painful downdraft in the stock market:

Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. He is the founder of As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction years in advance, Chris rose to prominence with the launch of his seminal video seminar which later became a book called The Crash Course. Chris’ latest book (co-authored with Adam Taggart) is called Prosper!: How to Prepare for the Future and Create a World Worth Inheriting.

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