Andrew Maguire: China’s Gold Rush – Xi Prepares for “Worst Case Scenarios”

Kinesis Money, Released on 6/2/23

In this week’s episode of Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire discusses the latest market catalysts that are capable of triggering a global gold reevaluation event, as a result of the ongoing paper versus physical gold showdown. The precious metals expert delves into the underreported decision of the People’s Bank of China to start preparing its 1.4 billion citizens for opting out of the dollar and into gold, explaining how this will impact the gold’s supply, demand and price.

00:00 Start
01:25 Gold price reevaluation event
04:35 The two primary tools the fed use to manage their wrong-footed paper bets
06:20 The little-reported move by the People’s Bank of China
09:15 The threat of war
10:55 China opting out of the dollar hegemony
13:45 Triggering the reevaluation of monetary metals
18:15 China tightening paper gold’s noose
29:00 The tool the casino uses to rig the tables

Andrew Maguire is an Independent London Metals Trader and Analyst, internationally renowned for his unique ability to read the precious metals market with the knowledge and experience gained over 35 years trading in financial and commodity markets. Andrew sits on the advisory board of a global physical bullion exchange and is a consultant advisor to many international hedge fund managers, bullion banks, directors and metal traders globally.

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