Willem Middelkoop: Silver Prices Are About To Skyrocket! Central Banks Are Buying Gold At Record Pace!

Wall Street Silver, Released on 4/20/24

We’re joined by Willem Middelkoop, author of “The Big Reset” and founder of Commodity Discovery Fund. William shares decades of insights on the dynamic shifts in silver prices, the historical significance of market manipulations, and the ongoing geopolitical influences affecting precious metals today. Whether you’re an investor or just curious about the economic undercurrents of silver and gold, this discussion offers a deep dive into the complexities of commodity investments and market trends.

Mr. Willem P. Middelkoop is Co-Founder & Fund Manager at Commodity Discovery Management. He is responsible for research and was previously a private investor in Canadian (junior) mining companies for over 10 years, and is an expert in ‘Discovery Investing’. He ceased his work as a financial journalist, in 2009, but is still an active writer, publishing books on financial and economic topics.

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