Stephanie Pomboy: Caution! We’re Being Fed Bogus Data

Wealthion, Released on 2/22/23 Macro analyst Stephanie Pomboy breaks down how the recent retails sales & jobs reports are either erroneous (at best) or intentionally deceptive. Stephanie Pomboy is an economist and founder of the economic research firm MacroMavens. Before launching her firm, Pomboy worked as a managing director at an independent economic research firm […]

Danielle DiMartino Booth & Stephanie Pomboy breakdown the latest inflation data

Danielle DiMartino Booth & Stephanie Pomboy breakdown the latest inflation data

Fox Business, Released on 2/14/23 Stephanie Pomboy is an economist and founder of the economic research firm MacroMavens. Before launching her firm, Pomboy worked as a managing director at an independent economic research firm ISI Group from 1991 to 2002. She provided timely financial insight and analysis to the country’s most sophisticated and largest institutions. […]

Adam Taggart & Stephanie Pomboy Live

Wealthion, Released on 1/31/23 Stephanie Pomboy is an economist and founder of the economic research firm MacroMavens. Before launching her firm, Pomboy worked as a managing director at an independent economic research firm ISI Group from 1991 to 2002. She provided timely financial insight and analysis to the country’s most sophisticated and largest institutions. Then, […]

Stephanie Pomboy: Should Deflation Worry Us More Than Inflation?

Wealthion, Released on 11/2/22 Stephanie Pomboy returns for a live interview: while the world frets about inflation, is it really deflation we should be worried about? Stephanie Pomboy is an economist and founder of the economic research firm MacroMavens. Before launching her firm, Pomboy worked as a managing director at an independent economic research firm […]

Stephanie Pomboy: New Data Shows Slowing Economy, Struggling Consumer, Slumping Profits

Wealthion, Released on 9/20/22 Stephanie Pomboy is an economist and founder of the economic research firm MacroMavens. Before launching her firm, Pomboy worked as a managing director at an independent economic research firm ISI Group from 1991 to 2002. She provided timely financial insight and analysis to the country’s most sophisticated and largest institutions. Then, […]