It’s Getting Ugly Everywhere in the Markets; Looking for Recapitulation Says Brent Cook

It’s Getting Ugly Everywhere in the Markets; Looking for Recapitulation Says Brent Cook

Stansberry Research, Released on 7/6/22 It’s ugly everywhere for the miners, “and I’m looking for a recapitulation later this year,” says Brent Cook, Founder and Senior Advisor of Exploration Insights. He tells our Daniela Cambone that, “whatever happens to the majors mining market happens to the minors mining market as well.” Cook discusses the successful […]

Michael Oliver: This Signals SLINGSHOT Reversal In Silver & Miners

Michael Oliver: This Signals SLINGSHOT Reversal In Silver & Miners

Liberty and Finance, Released on 7/1/22 The gold market is holding up despite the recent downturn in silver, mining stocks, and the general equity market. “Why isn’t gold collapsing with the stock market?” asks momentum analyst Michael Oliver. He speculates that large fund managers are giving up on paper assets in favor of gold. He […]

Chris Vermeulen: Locked and Loaded — Gold, Silver and Miners Ready to Run

Investing News, Released on 3/10/22 (Recorded on 3/9/22) With the gold price well above US$2,000 per ounce at times this week, investors have had their eyes on the yellow metal — but it’s not the only commodity making moves. ​Chris Vermeulen, chief market strategist at, shared a technical perspective on gold’s activity, as well […]

Why Gareth Soloway Is ‘Very Bullish’ On Precious Metals Right Now, Released on 11/2/21 Professional Trader Gareth Soloway of shares how he is trading gold, silver, miners, commodities and bitcoin. Gareth has over 20 years of trading experience and is the Chief Market Strategist at Since 2007, Gareth has maintained an over 80% success rate on swing trade alerts (verified 300+ trades per […]

Dave Kranzler: Financial System is Breaking and Cannot Absorb the Fed’s Printed Money Anymore

Silver Bullion TV, Released on 9/8/21 SBTV spoke with Dave Kranzler, editor of The Mining Stock Journal, about why the Fed’s reverse repo operations are shooting higher. Dave believes this is a sign that the financial system is rejecting the Fed’s printed money and is breaking under the strain of it. Dave Kranzler’s Investment Dynamics […]

David Smith: Bitcoin Won’t Stop $150 Silver & $9000 Gold

Liberty and Finance, Released on 8/25/21 Senior analyst David Smith sees $150 silver and $9000 gold reachable even as the cryptocurrency space expands. “Silver, gold, and Bitcoin are partners in asset allocation and asset preservation,” he says, “not competitors.” Contact David: [email protected] Learn more about the gold/silver manipulation debate: 0:00 ​Intro 1:03 Precious metals […]