Harley Schlanger: Global Breakdown But There is HOPE
Rogue News, Released on 4/21/23 Harley sits down with V to detail what he is keeping an eye on. Harley Schlanger’s work can be found at The LaRouche Organization and The Schiller Institute.
Rogue News, Released on 4/21/23 Harley sits down with V to detail what he is keeping an eye on. Harley Schlanger’s work can be found at The LaRouche Organization and The Schiller Institute.
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 4/14/23 Mankind is entering a new era. Will that era be one of tighter control, under a dictatorship of private central banks and corporate cartels, denying nations a right to act as sovereign entities? Or one in which sound principles of physical economy define relations among sovereign nations? Harley Schlanger’s […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 4/3/23 The economic collapse of the dollar system continues, while foolish monetary theorists prescribe measures such as fiscal austerity and high interest rates, combined with bailouts of bankrupt banks, as a solution. Lyndon LaRouche identified that trap many years ago, and drafted a program of Four Laws to reverse the […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 10/28/22 Yesterday’s extraordinary dialogue of legislators organized by the Schiller Institute (linked below) offers a glimpse into how real adults respond to crisis, not with macho bravado but with genuine concern for the interests of others — the Westphalian Principle, rejected by Tony Blair and today’s War Hawks. Sixty years […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 10/12/22 With the blind arrogance of deluded defenders of the “Rules-Based Order”, leaders of the G7 pledged yesterday to escalate their self-proclaimed intention to “weaken Russia.” As they met to confirm this, the mouthpiece of the City of London, the {Economist}, admitted their goal is to defend the “liberal world […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 10/1/21 Today’s questions: 1.) What can be done to avoid an economic blowout? What is the Fed doing? What about the budget/debt ceiling debate — Is there a way to avoid default? 2.) Why do you think Yahoo News ran the story about Pompeo and the CIA plotting to kidnap […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 9/28/21 Remember the Crash of 2008, when the U.S. housing bubble popped? How Bush, then Obama, bailed out the speculators, while 7+ million families lost their homes? And how trillions of dollars of bailouts went to the speculators, driving inflation and increasing unsustainable debt, while credit to productive industry was […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 9/14/21 It is still unknown whether the withdrawal of U.S./NATO forces from Afghanistan is the end of the era of endless wars, or a move to a new phase of geopolitical confrontations, directly challenging Russia and China. The push for continued war comes from the onrushing financial collapse, for the […]