Art Berman: Coal Use at All-Time High; There Is No Energy Transition

Art Berman: Coal Use at All-Time High; There Is No Energy Transition

Financial Sense, Released on 6/21/24 Financial Sense Newshour’s Jim Puplava engages in a compelling discussion with energy expert Art Berman, dissecting the facts, myths, and half-truths surrounding the global energy transition from fossil fuels… Arthur Berman is a petroleum geologist with 37 years of oil and gas industry experience. He is an expert on U.S. […]

‘Never Before Seen’ Oversupply Of Oil To Collapse Crude Price? | Doomberg & Paul Sankey

The David Lin Report, Released on 6/16/24 (Recorded on 6/14/24) The IEA projects a peak of oil demand by 2029, followed by “spare capacity never seen before other than at the height” of the 2020 era of excess supply. Doomberg and Paul Sankey, President of Sankey Research, discuss their analysis and projections for the future […]

Gold No Longer a Commodity, Market Valuing it as Money: David Rosenberg

Commodity Culture, Released on 6/12/24 David Rosenberg is bullish for the long term when it comes to the gold market and he argues that while gold used to correlate with commodities, it is now diverging into a category of its own: money with no counterparty risk. David also discusses the Fed’s next move, finding sanity […]

David Morgan: How Silver is Changing the Energy Landscape

David Morgan: How Silver is Changing the Energy Landscape

Financial Survival Network, Released on 6/12/24 Kerry Lutz and David Morgan discussed the recent performance of gold and silver, with both metals experiencing significant rallies. They projected potential trading ranges for silver between $29 and $31 and gold between $2,200 and $2,400. The speakers also discussed the dynamics of the silver market, highlighting the substantial […]

Analyzing Global Energy Trends: A Deep Dive into Coal, Oil, and Uranium with Trader Ferg

Natural Resource Stocks, Released on 5/18/24 In this comprehensive discussion, Trader Ferg shares his insights on global energy trends, focusing on the significant growth in China’s coal construction that could surpass global consumption. He discusses his interest in coal, oil, uranium, and platinum group metals from an investment perspective, emphasizing the demand in developing countries […]

Doomberg Discusses: Inflation, Commodities, Energy Sector

Real Vision, Released on 5/7/24 Doomberg, the pseudonymous author of the Doomberg Substack newsletter, joins Ash Bennington to discuss what recent inflation data means for the commodities sector, how geopolitical tensions in the Middle East impact energy markets, and China’s plans to take over the semiconductor industry. 00:00 – Intro 00:50 – Outlook On The […]