Wealthion, Released on 1/3/23 Today’s guest frequently makes the statement “Energy is Life”. Well, 2022 certainly proved that statement true in spades. The spokeschicken for the crack team of energy analysts at Doomberg joins us here to provide their latest outlook on the global energy situation — is it more likely to improve or worsen […]
What Bitcoin Did, Released on 12/30/22 Doomberg is an anonymous collective producing the world’s most popular financial substack. In this interview, we discuss the roots of the 2022 energy crisis, why nuclear power needs to be the basis of our energy needs, and how pragmatic decision-making is needed if we’re to best fulfil our energy […]
Blockworks Macro, Released on 9/28/22 On today’s episode of “On the Margin”, Doomberg, everyones favorite green chicken, joins the the show for an update on the European energy crisis. After making bold claims throughout 2021 on the global energy situation, and particularly in Europe, Doomberg provides an update on the state of the European energy […]
The Lead-Lag Report, Released on 11/15/22 Doomberg is the anonymous publishing arm of a bespoke consulting firm providing advisory services to family offices and c-suite executives. Its principals apply their decades of experience across heavy industry, private equity and finance to deliver innovative thinking and clarity to complex problems. Doomberg on Substack: https://doomberg.substack.com.
Liberty and Finance, Released on 11/12/22 “We are running a repeat of the 2008-2009 financial crisis in the crypto world, but without the central bankers as last resort,” says Doomberg, “We are going to see the full effect of contagion.” Doomberg, Substack’s most popular financial channel, joins us to discuss the FTX exchange scandal. Topics […]
Wall St. For Main St., Released on 11/3/22 Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St welcomed back returning guest, Doomberg to talk about how the global problems with diesel, natural gas, fertilizer and a lack of cheap energy and cheap electricity have not gotten better (but actually worse) over the last 10-12 months. Over […]
WTFinance, Released on 10/28/22 On todays episode of the WTFinance Podcast I had the pleasure of welcoming back Doomberg – the famous green chicken highlighting the fundamentals missing from many economic and policy decisions, specifically in the energy markets. We talked about the overall energy market, how winter ends in Europe, why negative gas prices […]
Financial Repression Authority, Released on 10/19/22 http://financialrepressionauthority.c… Support us on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/roundtableins… Doomberg is the anonymous publishing arm of a bespoke consulting firm providing advisory services to family offices and c-suite executives. Its principals apply their decades of experience across heavy industry, private equity and finance to deliver innovative thinking and clarity to complex […]