SGT Report, Released on 5/27/20 The Democrats are burning down their own house now, and everyone can see it. And after my interview with Bob Kudla, tonight’s breaking news is that President Trump will sign an Executive Order on Thursday relating to big tech social media censorship. Hopefully he will re-level the playing field. Bob’s […]

Bob Kudla discusses the economy, collapsing China trade deal, gold/silver

X22 Report, Released on 5/21/20 The interview starts off with Bob discussing the economy, that it will recover but it will take some time. China trade deal might not happen because the Chinese supply chains are being looked at and reworked. China is now weakened. Gold and silver are ready to move. Bob’s website: tradegeniusacademy.com

Bob Kudla: No V-Shaped Recovery – Gold Miners On The Move!

Wealth Research Group, Released on 5/13/20 Bob’s website: tradegeniusacademy.com Lior Gantz has been called a thrill-seeking entrepreneur by his team, and as such, he built and runs numerous successful businesses, and has traveled to over 30 countries in the past decade in pursuit of thrills and opportunities, gaining valuable knowledge and experience. With Wealth Research […]

End Game: Gold Revaluation and Debt Clearing – Bob Kudla

Crush The Street, Released on 4/15/20 TOPICS IN THIS INTERVIEW: -Market movements from a trader with daily pulse on stocks -Fed balance sheet headed to $10 and then $20 trillion dollars -Inflation expectations with collapse in oil and downward pressure on houses -Gold should already be $2,500 -End game is gold revaluation and debt clearing […]