Ronald-Peter Stöferle: Why You Better Learn The “New Rules” to Survive Financially

ITM Trading, Released on 6/10/24

“The game of chess completely changed. In the world of gold, we’re seeing something similar because the Western financial investor isn’t the marginal investor anymore,” says Ronald-Peter Stöferle, Managing Partner at Incrementum AG. He tells Daniela Cambone that with 70% of physical gold demand coming from China, India, and the Middle East, emerging markets are now the key drivers of gold prices. Stöferle also highlights the importance of central banks diversifying their U.S. dollar holdings, especially in light of recent Russian sanctions. Additionally, he shares his bullish outlook on the commodities market, predicting that gold prices could double within four years if a second wave of inflation hits the U.S.

00:00 Gold market
5:30 China stopped gold purchasing
7:15 Central banks gold purchasing
10:04 Western investors’ missing in gold
12:53 ECB rates cut
14:23 De-dollarization/BRICS
18:17 Government bond
21:40 Gold price
25:02 New era of investing

Ronald-Peter Stöferle is Managing Partner and Fund manager at Incrementum AG, based in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The company focusses on asset management and wealth management and is one hundred percent owned by its partners. Ronald manages a fund that invests based on the principles of the Austrian School of Economics.

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