Robert Kiyosaki: why silver squeezers failed where GameStop traders succeeded

Kitco News, Released on 2/4/21

Silver is a completely different animal from GameStop because when you’re trading silver, you’re playing against the biggest industrialists and market “manipulators” in the world, said Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad.

0:00​ – Why #SilverSqueeze​ failed
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Robert Kiyosaki is best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, the #1 personal finance book of all time. His book titles hold four of the top ten spots on Nielsen Bookscan List’s Life-to-Date Sales from 2001-2008 alone. Robert is an educational Entrepreneur and real estate tycoon, co-creator of the CASHFLOW® board game, founder of the financial education-based Rich Dad Company and author of New York Times Bestsellers: Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich, and Unfair Advantage: The Power of Financial Education. Robert Kiyosaki is among the first to have warned Americans of an impending collapse in the US real estate market, famously prophesizing, “Your home is not an investment,” years before the Panic of 2008. His latest book is Who Stole My Pension? How You Can Stop the Looting.

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