Armstrong Economics, Released on 4/15/20
It is very interesting that the death rate in Sweden is by no means excessive compared to any other Western country that has locked its citizens down. The only restrictions were on gatherings of
Armstrong Economics, Released on 4/15/20
It is very interesting that the death rate in Sweden is by no means excessive compared to any other Western country that has locked its citizens down. The only restrictions were on gatherings of
armstrong you finally figured it out your cronies will not be happy with you. The fence post has a brain. You have been duped again, oops and again, and what he hell again.
You are for the little guy my ass another fake libertarian and republican toady.
Serious question for Curt: Are you a Russian bot?
“Serious question for Curt: Are you a Russian bot?”
Nope. Probably a paid sociopath that was instructed to bash MA. Or worse yet, he simply did that of his own initiative. This sort of thing can be found in history again and again. And why bash MA??? Probably because he is right….