Karl Denninger discusses the Chinese balloon incident" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Share on Facebook" rel="nofollow">Share on Facebook Karl Denninger discusses the Chinese balloon incident => https://marketsanity.com/karl-denninger-cut-the-bs-now/" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Share on Twitter" rel="nofollow">Follow on Facebook Add to Google+ Karl Denninger discusses the Chinese balloon incident&summary=&source=Market Sanity" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Share on LinkedIn" rel="nofollow">Connect on Linked in Subscribe by Email Print This Post The Market Ticker, Released on 2/4/23 Nobody launches a “balloon” of that sort of size and mass without a means of Continue… Karl Denninger discusses the Chinese balloon incident added by Herman James on 02/04/2023View all posts by Herman James → Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditMorePocketLinkedInPinterestEmail Related
Denninger is full of it. The article on ZH last night makes much more sense to me: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/chinese-spy-balloon-story-manufactured-crisis-alternative-reading