Peak Prosperity, Released on 10/30/20
Jim Rogers is not only one of the most successful investors of our era, he’s also an avid scholar of history.
Seeing that the world is buried under an unprecedented mountain of debt that is requiring more and more central planner intervention to keep from imploding on itself, Jim says history is clear on what happens next
A clearing of the debt either via massive default, or destruction of the currency it’s denominated in.
He looks into the future and sees a terrible reckoning ahead; one he predicts will be “the worst economic crisis of my lifetime” — and Jim is 78 years old.
So where should investors look to preserve the purchasing power of their wealth against what’s coming?
Jim highly recommends precious metals and other commodities as an important part of the solution. As an overall index, commodities are the cheapest they’ve ever been vs the general stock market in over half a century.
Like many of the previous guest experts on our program, Jim maintains the near-term environment will be one of the most challenging times to invest in our lives.
Which is why he’s emphatic that now, more than ever, is the time to partner with a financial advisor who understands the risks in play, can craft an appropriate portfolio strategy for you given your needs, and apply sound risk management protection where appropriate.
Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros in 1973, helping to steer the fund to a 4200% return before “retiring” at age 37. He is considered to be one of the greatest investors of all time. Rogers has made two record-setting journeys – once by motorcycle and once by car – and is in the Guinness Book of World Records for doing so. In between his frequent travels, he has served as a professor at Columbia University, started his own commodity index and is a frequent media commentator worldwide. Rogers has also authored six books. He currently lives in Singapore with his family. Jim has authored a half dozen books, including: Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers (NYTimes Bestseller), Adventure Capitalist
, Hot Commodities
(NYTimes Bestseller), A Bull in China
, A Gift to My Children
, and most recently, Street Smarts.
Adam Taggart is the President and Co-Founder of Peak Prosperity. He wears many hats, but his basic job is to handle the business side of things so that his fellow co-founder, Chris Martenson, is free to think and write. Adam is an experienced Silicon Valley internet executive and Stanford MBA. Prior to partnering with Chris (Adam was General Manager of our earlier site,, he was a Vice President at Yahoo!, a company he served for nine years. Before that, he did the ‘startup thing’ (, sold to CNET in 2001). As a fresh-faced graduate from Brown University in the early 1990s, Adam got a first-hand look at all that was broken with Wall Street as an investment banking analyst for Merrill Lynch. Most importantly, he’s a devoted husband and dad.