Harry Dent predicts a significant downturn

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates, Released on 9/22/24

Renowned economist Harry Dent discusses the implications of prolonged fiscal and monetary stimulation on the economy in an interview with Dennis Tubbergen on RLA Radio. Dent highlights the unprecedented $27 trillion in combined fiscal and monetary stimulus over the past 15 years, questioning the sustainability of such measures given the modest 2.2% average growth rate. He emphasizes the necessity of recessions for economic health, likening them to the natural need for sleep. Dent predicts a significant downturn, driven by excessive debt and overvaluation in financial assets, forecasting a return to 2009 stock market lows and 2012 real estate prices. He criticizes the Federal Reserve’s policy of preventing recessions, arguing it leads to greater economic instability. Dent advises that U.S. Treasury bonds may be the safest investment during the anticipated economic collapse, as they were during the 2008 financial crisis.

Harry Dent is a Fortune 100 consultant, new venture investor, noted speaker, bestselling author, and the founder of HarryDent.com, where he dedicates himself to identifying and studying demographic, technological, and geopolitical trends. Harry received his MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar and was elected to the Century Club for leadership excellence. He then joined Bain & Company as a Fortune 100 business consultant. He’s written numerous books, including The Great Boom Ahead (1992), The Great Depression Ahead (2008), The Great Crash Ahead (2011) and The Demographic Cliff (2014). His most recent novels are The Sale of a Lifetime and Zero Hour.

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Sorry, but treasury bonds are going to die because there is no faith or confidence in the US government. The majority of the world is de-dollarizing like never before, and going to gold. 2008 won’t tell you squat about that. I guess Harry Dent isn’t factoring in the obvious. Guess we will see in short-order.