Gordon T. Long: The Credit Bust is Here

Financial Survival Network, Released on 5/16/23

Gordon T. Long believes that the banking system is in an extinction event and that the Fed’s reduction of interest rates may initially create excitement, but will eventually break down. He also believes that the dollar is currently a safe haven, but that risk premiums on bonds will push interest rates up to 4%, and that the Fed is trying to buy time to prevent a hard landing recession. Gordon T. Long discussed the potential of artificial intelligence and the potential for job losses due to automation. He also discussed the potential for new technologies to come from other countries, and the need for America to invest in new technologies to remain competitive. He also discussed the potential for AI to be used for academic dishonesty and the need for self-awareness in AI for it to be truly useful.

Mr. Long is a former senior group executive with two Fortune 500 international corporations, a principal in a high tech public start-up and founder of a private venture capital fund. He is presently involved in private equity placements internationally along with proprietary trading involving the development & application of Chaos Theory and Mandelbrot Generator algorithms. Gordon’s work can be found here.

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