Egon von Greyerz: The End Of An Era

Investor Talk, Released on 10/17/24

After the sharp rise in the price of gold, the warning voices are getting louder and, technically speaking, gold is ripe for a correction. But there is still a lot to be said for gold. Markets can be overbought for a long time and the tectonic shifts point to the end of the modern paper money era, which began in 1913 with the founding of the Federal Reserve and entered its acceleration phase with the unpegging of the dollar from gold in 1971. Ray Dalio, legendary investor, is quoted as saying that without gold, one understands nothing of history and economics. The debt situation in the US and other countries has become unsustainable and, according to Egon v. Greyerz, 2025 should bring a sharp rise in inflation and losses on bonds and equities. Preserving wealth is now more important than ever.

0:00 Intro
1:30 Is gold ripe for a correction?
3:40 Geopolitical reasons speak for gold
5:30 Markets can be overbought for a very long time
7:10 There has not been a gold bull market like this in this or the last century
7:35 Ray Dalio: “Gold is essential”
9:10 Is the cycle since 1913 coming to an end?
11:00 Gold does not yield interest because it is not a risk asset
12:00 The phase of rapid currency devaluation begins
13:00 600,000 $ debt per US citizen
14:00 The Buffett indicator is higher than ever
15:30 Bond yields should rise significantly in 2025, along with gold
17:00 History does not support a soft landing for the US economy
18:20 Wealth preservation is the order of the day, hence gold and some silver

Egon von Greyerz is founder and Managing Partner of Von Greyerz (formerly Matterhorn Asset Management AG & GoldSwitzerland). Since the 1990s Egon von Greyerz has been actively involved with financial investment activities including mergers and acquisitions and asset allocation consultancy for private family funds. This led to the creation of Matterhorn Asset Management, an asset management company based on wealth preservation principles. MAM is part of the Aquila Group, Switzerland’s largest independent asset management group. Von Greyerz makes regular media appearances on CNBC, BBC, etc. and publishes articles on the world economy and wealth preservation.

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As long as silver remains above kilo $1,000 USD there is no significance resistance.