David Hunter’s Big Prediction: 80% Market Crash Then 25% Inflation ($20K Gold, $500 Silver)

CapitalCosm, Released on 9/1/24

David Hunter is Chief Macro Strategist at Contrarian Macro Advisors. He is an investment professional with 25 years of investment management experience and 20 years as a sell-side strategist with strong expertise in macroeconomic analysis and portfolio management.

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Igby MacDavitt

I like David Hunter’s macro analysis and predictions; those are always fun to watch, and to check back on his accuracy (recently, not too bad since April 2022 for sure).

But his geopolitical analysis is so ethnocentric, it’s hard to accept as objective: “China doesn’t want to stir things up” or “Iran is not going to invite a massacre”. This leads me to conclude he views America as the innocent, rational yet untameable beast if unleashed. Nothing could be further from the truth as far as I’ve learned from experts like Col. Macgregor — who has been so accurate in his analysis, it’s been spooky.

Thanks for the post.

Peter Tonk

Expert like Col. Macgregor. He’s a Russian paid troll


Lying Liar, he is a Honorable Combat Veteran, and TRUE American Patriot!

Igby MacDavitt

Peter Tonk is a troll, maybe a bot. Nobody can honestly question Col. Macgregor’s patriotism.