David Hunter: Market Crash Coming Second Half of 2025, Gold to Soar to $3400

The Freedom Report, Released on 1/22/25

David Hunter comes back to the program to discuss markets, gold and silver, and the miners. He pulls no punches on predicting a second half market crash, and gives a very detailed long term view on gold and silver prices. Note – Due to a technical glitch with our software, the is an audio presentation.

David Hunter is Chief Macro Strategist at Contrarian Macro Advisors. He is an investment professional with 25 years of investment management experience and 20 years as a sell-side strategist with strong expertise in macroeconomic analysis and portfolio management.

Robert Kientz runs GoldSilverPros.com and has over 20 years of investment experience in the bond, stock, real estate, commodities, Forex, and precious metals markets. His research and weekly educative videos on YouTube focus on: Precious Metals Analysis, Economic Forecasts and Macroeconomics. 

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