Craig Hemke: Gold, Silver, Copper; Are These Now Momentum Trades?

The KE Report, Released on 5/6/24

Craig Hemke, Editor of TF Metals Report joins us to discuss the move higher in gold, silver and copper to start the week. On the gold front, Craig updates us on the CoT reports over the past 2 weeks that have strangely not moved while price was correcting. For silver, there are some very defined key levels to watch for silver, with $30 be the ultimate possible breakout. As much as people follow the gold to silver ratio, Craig also points to copper as being a metal that if it continues higher could also take silver along for the ride.

0:00 – Gold price being driven by the east
3:42 – Drivers of the gold price
6:04 – Gold and silver stock ETFs
8:38 – Silver price outlook
11:12 – Silver and the $30 level is what it’s all about
13:09 – Copper and silver relationship

Known primarily by his nickname “Turd Ferguson,” Craig Hemke is the founder and editor of the popular TF Metals Report blog and podcast, covering precious metals, the financial markets, and greater economic trends.

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