Chris Martenson: Here’s Why A Second Round Of Lockdowns Are A Bad Idea

Peak Prosperity, Released on 9/22/20

PCR testing for Covid is too flawed to make public policy by, but that’s what’s happening. The UK is on the verge of a new, second lockdown based on an apparent surge in Covid cases. But are these real cases or an artifact of testing? It turns out that half – or more – of the new “cases” are really just false positives. And they aren’t even cases as those are (or should be reserved) for people with both confirmed Covid and symptoms requiring medical attention. So a “positive” might be a false positive, or it might be from someone with a legacy fragment of viral RNA from an old and long past infection, or someone who tests positive but is otherwise completely asymptomatic for the duration, or it could be a real case. Despite all that, the UK’s prime minister and various health authorities are sounding the alarm, tightening restrictions, and speaking of a second lockdown. In other words, bad science is leading to worse policies. How can this be in this day and age? What’s going on? That’s what this video explores.

Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. He is the founder of As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction years in advance, Chris rose to prominence with the launch of his seminal video seminar which later became a book called The Crash Course. Chris’ latest book (co-authored with Adam Taggart) is called Prosper!: How to Prepare for the Future and Create a World Worth Inheriting.

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