Bix Weir: JP Morgan ADMITS to Billions of Trading Violations!

Road To Roota, Released on 3/17/24

With only 10 DAYS left on their Deferred Prosecution Agreement JP Morgan has admitted to Billions of Trading Violations by themselves and their customers agreeing to pay another massive fine of $348M! Interestingly, this should reopen the 2020 Settlement for admitting to illegally rigging the Silver, Gold and Treasury markets! This is NOT just a coincidence…THIS IS THE END GAME!

Bix Weir has 30 years’ experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the “Road to Roota Theory” and his commentary is published at Bix has dedicated his efforts over the last 15 years to exposing the long term manipulation of the gold and silver markets. He has worked closely with the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee helping to pull the curtain away from the Cabal of International Bankers that has taken control of our free market system.

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