Ted Butler: When Will Precious Metals Markets Trade Freely?

Financial Survival Network, Released on 12/14/20 (Recorded on 12/10/20)

According to precious metals expert Ted Butler, $1950 on gold is the line of demarcation. That’s when the Technical Funds jump in with two feet and start buying up every available ounce. The banks are short and underwater by at least $10 billion. They either have to deliver the metals or buy back the position. $350 million ounces of silver is too tall an order to fill. The last thing they really want to do is a buy back, because that will light a fire under the market and drive it to all time highs. Either they keep it under control or they lose control. If they decide to buy back or run for cover, that could blow the lid off. They’ve been playing this dangerous game well for many years, so perhaps they can hold off a while longer. But eventually, something’s got to give.

Theodore Butler is an independent silver analyst who has published unique precious metals commentaries on the internet since 1996. He is the head of Butler Research LLC, where he offers a subscription service of weekly commentaries, including detailed analysis of the Commitment of Traders Report, regulatory developments, supply and demand considerations, and topics of interest to investors in precious metals, with an emphasis on silver.

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