​What I Expect to See Next on the COMEX | Ted Butler

Liberty and Finance, Released on 10/16/20

On the heels of the DOJs latest actions against JPM, what should we anticipate in the approaching seasonally heavy December delivery month following the US presidential election? Renowned silver market analyst Ted Butler, founder of Butler Research, returns to Liberty and Finance to share his assessment of the key & critical forces at play, and what we can expect to see next for gold & silver.

Ted also answers multiple viewers’ questions, and weighs in on the true inflation-adjusted highs ahead for silver – and what lies beyond!

Theodore Butler is an independent silver analyst who has published unique precious metals commentaries on the internet since 1996. He is the head of Butler Research LLC, where he offers a subscription service of weekly commentaries, including detailed analysis of the Commitment of Traders Report, regulatory developments, supply and demand considerations, and topics of interest to investors in precious metals, with an emphasis on silver.

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