It’s Trump vs WWIII – Martin Armstrong

USA Watchdog, Released on 6/8/24 Martin Armstrong is a world renown economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model. He is the founder of Armstrong Economics – a public service and blog for the average person to comprehend the global economy and for professionals to access the most sophisticated international analysis possible.

We’re Inching Toward WW3 As Trust Across Society Plunges Warns Doug Casey

Kitco News, Released on 8/7/23 Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman warned today that additional interest-rate hikes will likely be approved moving forward to temper inflation. But with inflation still nowhere near the central bank’s 2% target rate, these rate hikes could continue throughout a significant portion of 2024. Today, Daniela sits down with best-selling author […]

Martin Armstrong: Russia, Ukraine, Sanctions, Food Shortages, WWIII, Great Reset, Economic Collapse

Martin Armstrong: Russia, Ukraine, Sanctions, Food Shortages, WWIII, Great Reset, Economic Collapse

Zeee Media, Released on 3/9/22 Today we discussed the Russia/Ukraine situation, sanctions being imposed on Russia, how this is effectively a declaration of war and what the implications of these actions will have on the world economy. Martin says his computer is predicting a war cycle in 2022/2023, discussing the threat of China, and how […]