Wall Street Silver, Released on 9/28/22 Willem Middelkoop joins us to discuss the possibility of another 20-30% drop in the stock market. We also talk about the energy crisis happening in Euro and how this will affect its economy. Furthermore, we talk about Physical silver, The US dollar stepping down as the World reserve currency, […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 9/27/22 Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. He is the founder of PeakProsperity.com. As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction years […]
Liberty and Finance, Released on 9/26/22 If the Fed funds rate rises to 4% or higher, markets could enter panic mode, says John Rubino, founder of DollarCollapse.com. “There will truly be no place to hide,” he says. Cash will be losing value from inflation. Bonds will be falling. Real estate will tank. And stocks will […]
USA Watchdog, Released on 9/24/22 So, could Europe suck the rest of the world down the tubes? Armstrong says, “Oh, absolutely. Europe is the problem. . . . The crisis in banking will start in Europe. . . . The debt is collapsing. They have no way to sustain themselves. The debt market over there […]
The Daily Gold, Released on 9/25/22 In this video we look at the history of the stock market losing and then failing at its 20-month moving average as well as the current downside potential and where the next bottom could be. In the last 55 years the market has failed at its 20-month moving average […]
I LOVE PROSPERITY, Released on 6/14/22 In this video, Rick Rule breaks down the stock market crash. He shares his opinions that he believes there is further stock market damage coming. He talks about how to prepare yourself. He lists the areas he is focusing on buying, what stocks/commodities and asset classes he is most […]
I LOVE PROSPERITY, Released on 12/12/21 In this video, we talk to Lynette Zang. Lynette breaks down the shifts in the monetary and banking system, and how it is a massive warning of things to come. We talk about what an economic collapse could look like, how you can prepare, and why it is important […]
Wealthion, Released on 10/22/21 Perhaps no single institution has more impact on the global economy than the US Federal Reserve. And the $trillions in stimulus it and the other major world central banks have released since the COVID pandemic hit have made the system even more dependent upon its actions. Which is why our financial […]