Harry Dent predicts a 50% decline in real estate and an 80-90% drop in stocks

Harry Dent predicts a 50% decline in real estate and an 80-90% drop in stocks

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates, Released on 4/7/24 On this week’s episode of Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio with your host Dennis Tubbergen, economist Harry Dent predicts a significant economic downturn in the US, with the government adding a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days. He believes that the US has been avoiding a second Great Depression […]

Vince Lanci: ‘Bloomberg Warns Of 2007-Like Stock Market Crash, $3,000 Gold’

Vince Lanci: ‘Bloomberg Warns Of 2007-Like Stock Market Crash, $3,000 Gold’

Arcadia Economics, Released on 4/4/24 In recent days we’ve seen divergence between the precious metals and stocks, a rise in bond yields, and continued worries that inflation is headed higher again. Which has Bloomberg warning of a stock market crash similar to 2007-2008, that may be the foundation towards a move in the gold price […]

You Want to Own Commodities ‘In a Big Way’ After the Crash: Michael Pento

Commodity Culture, Released on 2/28/24 Michael Pento thinks commodities will be a great place to be, just not right now. A confluence of factors including untenable government debt, a weak banking sector, and extreme overvaluation in the broad market means that stocks are set for a brutal correction, and Michael believes it’s better to play […]

Harry Dent: ‘Biggest Crash in Our Lifetime’ is About to Hit, 86% nosedive in S&P

ITM Trading, Released on 1/12/24 “This time, it’s got to crash 86% for the S&P 500 just to get back to the last low in early 2009,” cautions Harry Dent, the founder of HarryDent.com. In an interview with Daniela Cambone, he paints a bleak picture of the financial landscape for 2024, suggesting that the largest […]

Jeremy Grantham says no one should invest in the US, 50% stock crash possible

David Rubenstein, Released on 8/17/23 The slow-moving influence of rising interest rates will end up torpedoing the economy, dashing Federal Reserve expectations that a recession can be avoided, according to renowned Wall Street curmudgeon Jeremy Grantham. This interview for “Bloomberg Wealth with David Rubenstein” was recorded August 17th in Boston. *This interview was recorded on […]

Peter Schiff: The Entire Economy Is About to Implode

Peter Schiff: The Entire Economy Is About to Implode

Peter Schiff – YouTube, Released on 9/26/23 Peter Schiff is an internationally recognized economist specializing in the foreign equity, currency and gold markets. Mr. Schiff made his name as President and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital. He frequently delivers lectures at major economic and investment conferences, and is quoted often in the print […]

Bob Moriarty Predicts a Stock Market Crash

Bob Moriarty Predicts a Stock Market Crash

Goldseek, Released on 8/20/23 – Will “The Big Short” be a “Big Yawn?” – Have US equities topped? – Bob Moriarty’s #1 market timing tool! – Trading legend, Jake Bernstein’s daily sentiment review: https://www.trade-futures.com/dailyindex.php – Covered-call protective strategy. – Uranium and related resource sector opportunities. Bob brought 321gold.com to the Internet almost 14 years ago. […]

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