Wealthion, Released on 8/11/22 (Recorded on 8/9/22) For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE Money manager Michael Pento distrusts the current rally in stocks. He thinks it’s a classic short-lived rally within a secular bear market. That, combined with the Fed interest rate hike campaign to tame inflation, which he expects to drive the […]
Wealthion, Released on 8/10/22 (Recorded on 8/8/22) For Part 1 of this interview, CLICK HERE Macro analyst Jesse Felder returns for Part 2 of our interview with him in which he explains the math behind why the markets would need to decline by at least 50% to be considered anywhere close to “fairly valued” He […]
Kitco News, Released on 8/4/22 Ted Oakley, Founder and Managing Partner at Oxbow Advisors, said that despite their rally, stocks are not that great of an investment right now. He also discussed the bond market, real estate, and housing affordability with David Lin, Anchor and Producer at Kitco News. 0:00 – Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan […]
Rosenberg Research, Released on 6/22/22 David Rosenberg is the chief economist & strategist of Rosenberg Research & Associates, an economic consulting firm he established in January 2020. He received both a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Arts degree in economics from the University of Toronto. Prior to starting his firm, he was Gluskin Sheff’s […]
Wealthion, Released on 6/21/22 For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE Stocks have fallen for a number of reasons this year. But there’s another shoe that’s about to drop that should send equity prices even lower: margin compression. Despite companies’ profits getting squeezed by higher input costs due to hot inflation AND rising costs […]
Harry S. Dent Jr., Released on 6/3/22 This is no ordinary market correction! As we face the financial crash of a lifetime, Harry Dent analyzes stock market moves and possible defensive plays. Harry Dent is a Fortune 100 consultant, new venture investor, noted speaker, bestselling author, and the founder and senior editor at Dent Research, […]
Wolfstreet, Released on 5/29/22 Wolf Richter is the founder of Wolf Street Corp and the publisher of WolfStreet.com. Wolf has over twenty years of C-level operations experience, including turnarounds and a VC-funded startup. He has a BA, MA, and MBA (UT at Austin). In his prior life, he worked in Texas and Oklahoma, including a […]
Wealthion, Released on 4/14/22 For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE In his last two appearances on this channel (months ago), money manager Michael Pento warned that 2022 would see a major correction in the financial markets in response to the end of record monetary & fiscal stimulus. He believes the forces of disinflation […]