Steen Jakobsen: Current Market Hardships To Later Result In A Boom For Investors (Part 2/2)

Steen Jakobsen: Current Market Hardships To Later Result In A Boom For Investors (Part 2/2)

Wealthion, Released on 1/6/23 For Part 1 of this interview, CLICK HERE Saxo Bank CIO Steen Jakobsen returns for Part 2 of our interview with him. He expects the coming hardship in the economy & markets to force companies to become more productive & efficient. As a result, he expects a substantial boom to follow […]

Steen Jakobsen: Tanking The Economy To Force A Fed Pivot Is The “Most Stupid” Policy (Part 1/2)

Steen Jakobsen: Tanking The Economy To Force A Fed Pivot Is The “Most Stupid” Policy (Part 1/2)

Wealthion, Released on 1/5/23 For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE 2022 was a bruising year for investors. Will 2023 offer relief? Or will the beatings continue? For insight into important investing questions like these, extra weight should be placed on the answers from those who are actually putting capital at risk. So today, […]

Steen Jakobsen: War On Inflation! New Fed Policy To Upend Everything Investors Know

Wealthion, Released on 12/16/21 The Federal Reserve is finally declaring war on inflation. On Wednesday Dec 15, Fed Chair Jerome Powell announced that — the fight the inflation it has played a central role in creating — the Federal Reserve will accelerate its tapering program and likely hike interest rates 3x in 2022. That’s a […]

Steen Jakobsen: Commodities Boom Only In “Early Innings”, Gold & Silver Outlook Looking “Quite Beautiful”

Wealthion, Released on 5/14/21 Part 1 (part 2 below) Part 2 Adam Taggart is the President and Co-Founder of Peak Prosperity. He wears many hats, but his basic job is to handle the business side of things so that his fellow co-founder, Chris Martenson, is free to think and write. Adam is an experienced Silicon […]

Steen Jakobsen: EPIC Commodities Boom Is Starting

Peak Prosperity, Released on 12/11/20 Demand for commodities, tangible assets and the companies that mine, manufacture and transport them is about to blow sky-high predicts, Steen Jakobsen, Chief Economist and CIO at Saxo Bank. He bases this prediction on several factors. First, the digital world does not exist independently from the physical world. And the […]

Coronavirus + Market Meltdown: An Unfolding Crisis Like No Other (Steen Jakobsen & Chris Martenson)

Peak Prosperity, Released on 3/12/20 Given the extraordinary and historic meltdown underway in the markets, we’ve just recorded interviews with two of the most prominent financial experts we know to make sense of what’s happening, and what’s most likely to come next. Steen Jakobsen is the Chief Investment officer of Saxo Bank. His macro market […]