The Rich Dad Channel, Released on 4/18/20 Citizens across the globe are experiencing a brave new world in the face of the coronavirus outbreak. As Robert Kiyosaki has been saying in his most recent interviews, this pandemic is the death of the old economy. The question Robert gets asked a lot is, “Won’t Free Money […]
Reluctant Preppers, Released on 4/13/20 Alasdair Macleod, Head of Research at, returns to Liberty and Finance / Reluctant Preppers to lay out the emerging facts which he says are confirming his predictions for this year, including: the end of the credit expansion cycle, deepening global recession, a banking crisis, monetary supply inflation with loss […]
Jay Taylor Media, Released on 3/24/20 Alasdair Macleod believes the dollar-based global fiat monetary system is doomed to fail given the cancerous growth of debt from the fiat monetary system. Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has […]
ITM Trading, Released on 2/19/20 Slides and Sources:… A very important question was asked form one of our viewers Christopher R…he said: “Historically, when a Fiat Currency Resets, it can have several Resets within a few years time (which is correct). What are some historical Economic Resets from modern times where currencies had collapsed, […]