Kinesis Money, Released on 6/23/23 In this week’s episode of Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire is joined by the creator and publisher of the infamous TF Metals Report, Craig Hemke, who breaks down the Fed’s strategic maneuvers to install the Central Bank Digital Currency. The two old friends scrutinize the FDIC’s rapidly swelling list […]
WTFinance, Released on 6/21/23 (Recorded on 6/19/23) On this episode of the WTFinance podcast I had the pleasure of speaking with Lawrence Lepard, Founder of Equity Management Associates and Sound Money Advocate. During our conversation we spoke about what sound money is, whether our current economy can adapt to sound money, Bretton Wood 3.0 or […]
Rebel Capitalist, Released on 4/7/23 Come to rebel capitalist live at Check out my private, online investment community (Rebel Capitalist Pro) with Chris MacIntosh, Lyn Alden and many more for $1!! click here Rebel capitalist merchandise George Edward Gammon is an American real estate investor and entrepreneur. He produces and stars in […]
Kinesis Money, Released on 2/10/23 In this week’s Live from the Vault, the renowned financial expert, Alasdair Macleod sits down with Andrew Maguire to investigate Russia’s plans to devise a gold and commodity-based replacement for dollars as a new trade settlement currency. The famed economist prognosticates the return of sound money as the ingredient for […]
Jay Taylor Media, Released on Released on 11/16/22 Alasdair Macleod talks about how debt is outgrowing income and market mechanics have brought the western world to the precipice of self-destruction. Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. Alasdair has been a celebrated stockbroker and Member of the London Stock Exchange for over four decades. […]
Satori Traders, Released on 7/30/22 “The Money Revelation” was written by a German banker in the 1920s when Germany was dealing with the same issue that the entire World is facing today: an economic crisis created by unsound money. Bob Moriarty edited the English version of the book and he was kind enough to discuss […]
Silver Bullion TV, Released on 2/23/22 SBTV spoke with Lawrence Lepard, Founder and Managing Partner of Equity Management Associates. Lawrence distils the problems of our times are fundamentally caused by broken and unsound money. Before the world’s problems can be fixed, it is essential to fix the money first. Discussed in this interview: 00:00 Introduction […]
Liberty and Finance, Released on 1/16/22 The destruction of the currency and the insidious intrusion of government control into every aspect of our lives are on track to cause a stealth collapse of civilization as we know it. Keith Weiner, founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, is on a mission to educate people about the […]