Retail Crowd to “Pull a Buffett” Silver Squeeze? | David Morgan

Liberty and Finance, Released on 4/23/21 David Morgan, known as “The Silver Guru” and founder of, returns to Liberty and Finance to weigh in on the coming retail crowd-sourced #SilverSqueeze​, and how the organic coalition of Reddit / WallStreetSilver / and other grass-roots retail investors are starting their next siege on the bastions of […]

Rick Rule: It Has Become Difficult for Institutions to Buy Silver, Released on 3/4/21 0:00​ Introduction 0:56​ Rick going through a “reset” rather than “retirement” 4:16​ Expect a more raw Rick Rule in this next season 5:22​ Rick Rule’s thoughts on altruism 8:59​ #SilverSqueeze​ “These kids are trying to make us rich” 13:35​ “Comex is run for the benefit of the Comex, not for you […]