Arcadia Economics, Released on 1/3/25 Back in 2021, the silver market had an event that came to be known as the Silver Squeeze. Which led to a brief spike in the price, and a surge in investment demand, that 2 months later would lead the LBMA to say ‘had demand in iShares continued at the […]
The Deep Dive, Released on 12/31/24 In this interview with Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp., we discuss silver’s performance in 2024, which saw prices range from $23 to nearly $35. Keith shares insights on the current global silver supply-demand dynamics, noting significant deficits and discussing how only 1.2 billion ounces […]
Commodity Culture, Released on 11/8/24 Michael Oliver thinks both the fundamental and technical factors driving the silver price are pointing to a price spike past previous all-time highs that will leave most market participants in the dust. Michael discusses the details behind his thesis, along with his thoughts on why manipulation of the silver markets […]
Natural Resource Stocks, Released on 10/25/24 Join us in this insightful episode as we explore whether silver is genuinely breaking out or undergoing temporary upward pressure. Delve into the historical perspectives on silver and gold bull markets, and the volatile nature of silver with expert commentary. Discover the performance of junior silver stocks and hear […]
The Daily Gold, Released on 9/30/24 David Morgan answers a bunch of our questions about Silver. He thinks there could be weakness short-term but remains convinced Silver will blow through $50 and trade in triple digits. 0:00 Intro 0:50 Silver & Gold at Potential Intermediate Peak 3:25 Signals for Silver Outperformance & Acceleration 5:20 Big […]
Road To Roota, Released on 9/12/24 Quick note to say….HANG ON TIGHT! Silver Riggers can’t stop the FLOW of physical silver into rapidly rising Industrial Use Cases!! Bix Weir has 30 years’ experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the “Road to Roota Theory” and his commentary […]
Sprott Money, Released on 8/30/24 (Recorded on 8/29/24) The silver market is facing a massive crisis with a shortage of up to 250 million ounces in a 1 billion ounce market. Join Craig Hemke and Eric Sprott as they discuss the implications of this unprecedented shortfall and the growing demand from sectors like photovoltaics and […]
Soar Financially, Released on 6/11/24 Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin returns to Soar Financially to discuss the latest developments in the gold and silver markets. What is the connection between the big banks and the Chinese silver market? What are the new rules in precious metals trading? The markets are changing quickly, stay up to […]