Simon Hunt’s Shocking 2025 Predictions for the World

CapitalCosm, Released on 11/12/24 Simon Hunt founded Simon Hunt Strategic Services in 1996. The focus of the company’s work is to provide strategic advice including geopolitical and financial developments as well as structural and tactical changes within China in order to produce a balance outlook for the supply of and demand for copper. Increasingly the […]

Jim Rickards Reveals How Polling Can Operate As Intelligence Operation, Exposes Left Wing Pollsters

Bannons War Room, Released on 11/12/24 We explain the method behind my perfect election forecast and then look at the Trump transition with emphasis on how to reform the CIA. Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker and economist with over thirty years’ experience in capital markets. He is currently Chief Global Strategist at Meraglim. […]

Jim Rickards Election: Predictions for Trump’s America 2.0

Jim Rickards Election: Predictions for Trump’s America 2.0

Paradigm Press, Released on 11/8/24 Today, Jim Rickards gives his latest take on the election and what’s next for Trump’s administration. We’ll talk predictions for his cabinet, what could unfold in the coming days and some possible economic challenges ahead —even with Trump in office. Plus, we’ll get Jim’s take on recent rate cuts by […]

Chris Martenson: Trump’s Revolutionary Plan To Rescue America

Peak Prosperity, Released on 11/8/24 Chris discusses Donald Trump’s 10-step plan to dismantle the deep state, focusing on government reform, transparency, and accountability, while expressing enthusiasm for its potential impact on American politics. Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the […]

Trump, the Economy & World War III: Col. Douglas Macgregor’s Shocking Predictions

Natalie Brunell, Released on 11/7/24 00:00 How can President strengthen U.S. economy 6:06 Bitdeer Technologies Group 7:01 “Financial Armageddon” warning 18:23 Solutions for the Middle Class 21:05 Rising debt despite who is in WH 24:19 Deep state, government bureaucracy 26:03 Casa, Speed Wallet 26:58 Coinkite, The Bitcoin Way 27:43 What should the president be an […]

Martin Armstrong Post-Election Forecast

Martin Armstrong Post-Election Forecast

Financial Survival Network, Released on 11/7/24 The 2024 election has ended with Trump winning decisively, and Kerry Lutz and Martin Armstrong reflect on the implications of this outcome. Armstrong, who had previously predicted Trump’s victory based on economic trends, discusses the left’s response, marked by disbelief and protests. He also analyzes how political infighting and […]

Gerald Celente & Andrew Napolitano: U.S. Election… What’s Next, What To Expect

Trends Research, Released on 11/6/24 Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente is a […]

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