Macro Voices, Released on 3/3/22 (Recorded on 2/28/22) MacroVoices Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome former U.S. Presidential advisor, Dr. Pippa Malmgren to the show. They discuss the situation in Ukraine – but looking at it in the context of a bigger picture that led Pippa and other prominent thought leaders to predict a major […]
Wealthion, Released on 5/6/21 A fair amount of recent guests on this program have expressed a pessimistic outlook on where the economy & markets are headed. But what do the optimists think? A number of you have asked us to bring on an expert willing to predict that better times lie ahead. Well, you asked, […]
Triggernometry, Released on 4/15/20 Featuring Dr Pippa Malmgren (former US presidential advisor and tech entrepreneur) and Jim Rickards (renowned lawyer, economist and author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis) Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker and economist with over thirty years’ experience in capital markets. He is currently Chief Global […]