Doug Casey’s Take, Released on 11/23/20 Doug Casey is known as the International Man. He’s visited over 150 countries, many of them multiple times. And, according to Doug, Travel is dead… unless you’re very rich. Doug Casey is an American-born libertarian economist and advocate of the free market. He is a bestselling financial author, international […]
Financial Survival Network, Released on 11/24/20 John Rubino is the founder and manager of the popular financial website Mr. Rubino is the co-author, with GoldMoney’s James Turk, of The Money Bubble and The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It. He spent the 1980’s on Wall Street as a Eurodollar trader, […]
Oxbow Advisors, Released on 11/22/20 Jim Bianco is President and Macro Strategist at Bianco Research, L.L.C. Since 1990 Jim’s commentaries have offered a unique perspective on the global economy and financial markets. Unencumbered by the biases of traditional Wall Street research, Jim has built a decades long reputation for objective, incisive commentary that challenges consensus […]
ITM Trading, Released on 11/19/20 Slides and Links:… Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been in the markets on some level since 1964. Her mission is to convert financial noise into understandable language. She has been a banker, a stock broker and […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 11/17/20 As many parts of the (so-called) developed world enter second lockdowns, and people line up for miles in their cars seeking food handouts in Texas, the less developed nations are busily discovering Cvoid-19 treatments that actually work. Really well. They work in an outpatient setting, in mild, moderate and severe […]
Wall St. For Main St., Released on 11/15/20 The number of 401(k) and IRA millionaires reach record high amid pandemic… Jason Burack is an investor, entrepreneur, financial historian, Austrian School economist, and contrarian. Jason co-founded the startup financial education company Wall St for Main St, LLC, to try to help the people of Main […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 11/12/20 This is insane. Even when something dead-nuts safe like Vitamin D finally emerges, irrefutably, to be of massive benefit, what does the UK NHS do? They decide to ship only 400 IU per patient/day. That’s roughly 1/10th what’s needed to boost serum levels to the safe and effective range of […]
Trends Research, Released on 11/12/20 Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente is a […]