Eurodollar University, Released on Released on 1/14/25 Russian sanctions triggered more than a surge in oil prices. Financial markets near-panicked bought in near-term futures contracts. While the jump in energy is already being called an huge inflation risk, it isn’t even close. On the contrary, oil spikes always end a certain way. CNN Biden admin […]
The KE Report, Released on 1/13/25 We start off discussing some of the potential implications of the policies from the new incoming Trump administration, and what it means for inflation, the deficit, consumer spending, tariffs, and global trade. John points out that we really need to wait and see what policies actually get implemented versus […]
Adam Taggart | Thoughtful Money, Released on 1/7/25 Well it’s a new year. And in just two weeks, a new American Administration as well. What kind of impact will President-Elect Trump’s policies likely have on natural resources, the “real things” that power the global economy? To find out, we’re fortunate to be joined by Rick […]
CapitalCosm, Released on 12/31/24 Doomberg is the anonymous publishing arm of a bespoke consulting firm providing advisory services to family offices and c-suite executives. Its principals apply their decades of experience across heavy industry, private equity and finance to deliver innovative thinking and clarity to complex problems. Doomberg on Substack:
The Jimmy Dore Show, Released on 12/30/24 Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente […]
The David Lin Report, Released on 12/30/24 (Recorded on 12/26/24) Doomberg, Head Writer of the Doomberg Substack, discusses the outlook for oil, world conflicts, and Trump’s master plan following the January 20 election. 0:00 – Intro 1:45 – Israel-Yemen 6:10 – Trump’s inauguration 8:45 – Natural gas 11:00 – Russia’s oil exports 15:10 – China […]
CapitalCosm, Released on 12/10/24 Fergus Cullen, better known as Trader Ferg on Twitter, is a well-known trader and investor who has the knack of finding multi-baggers. Ferg was an asset manager in Australia, before meeting his mentor who inspired him to get into trading. This set Ferg on a path of quitting his job before […]
Natural Resource Stocks, Released on 12/9/24 In this episode, Chris Vermeulen from The Technical Traders shares his analysis of the gold, silver, and equities markets. Chris discusses the current performance and future expectations for precious metals and mining stocks, explaining patterns like bull flags and the influence of seasonal movements. He also delves into the […]