The LaRouche Organization, Released on 4/27/22 After declaring that Ukraine won the “Battle of Kiev” (!), Lloyd Austin called for “moving heaven and earth” to defeat Russia. Meanwhile, the lectures from the EU’s von der Leyen and other arrogant EU officials to the Raisina Dialogue in India provoked a polite rebuke from the Indian Foreign […]
Doug Casey’s Take, Released on 4/8/22 Today we’re joined by one of the most unconventional thinkers we know – John Robb. John literally wrote the book on modern network warfare and today he helps us make sense of what’s happening in Ukraine. John publishes a newsletter on substack @ We’re happy subscribes and recommend […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 4/7/22 The narratives produced by the western war hawks and the military escalation they serve have put us on a course toward nuclear war. Is this an exaggeration? Consider the words of the head of U.S. Strategic Command, who wrote that we have shifted to a time when use of […]
USA Watchdog, Released on 3/26/22 “I was born one year after the end of WWII, and crazy people will take you to war in the blink of an eye. The war criminals are leading us into another war.” Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the […]
Talk Digital Network, Released on 3/26/22 *I put a backup BitChute video below the YouTube video in case YouTube censors the interview Martin Armstrong is a world renown economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model. He is the founder of Armstrong Economics – a public service and blog for the average person to […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 3/24/22 As Biden heads to Europe, his war hawk team is escalating its war talk. This serves the intent of the neocons and Russophobes, who want regime change in Russia; the Military-Industrial Complex, which is selling weapons and logistical capabilities; and the financiers and geopoliticians, committed to derailing the Moscow-Beijing […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 3/8/22 Can you survive a nuclear war? Yes, you can. As long as you are not in the physical blast zone your main goal is to create distance between yourself and the radiation and then wait it out. Access to all of Chris’s content, live webinars, interviews and personal updates, and […]