Megatron – X and Wall Street Silver – X, Released on 9/12/24 Biden and Kamala are expected to launch WW3 this weekend and authorize attacks deep in Russian territory. Sec of State Blinken will announce tomorrow that the US has given Ukraine the greenlight to strike deep inside Russia using Western made missiles. “This would […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 9/13/24 When Starmer visits Joe Biden today at the White House, they are expected to agree to give Zelensky the go-ahead to use western missiles to target Russia. This is the kind of bad idea one expects from a dying empire. But it can also, if handled properly, provide the […]
Geopolitics & Empire, Released on 7/1/24 Bob Moriarty discusses the Black Swans circling above, from Julian Assange being freed and Democratic Party shenanigans to the looming wars on the horizon. Israel is in a difficult situation, it is getting away with genocide and with possibly starting WW3. It may be the first to initiate the […]
Doug Casey’s Take, Released on 6/26/24 In this episode, Doug and Matt delve into significant historical events, including the Supreme Court rulings on same-sex marriage in 2013 and 2015. They discuss the implications of government involvement in marriage and explore notable figures born on this day, such as Ariana Grande, Paul Thomas Anderson, Michael Vick, […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 6/25/24 Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. He is the founder of As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction years […]
Alex Jones – X, Released on 6/24/24 *The interview begins at 9:53 BREAKING: Kim Dotcom And Alex Jones Try To Stop Imminent Nuclear War@KimDotcom — Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) June 24, 2024
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 6/24/24 The bluster coming from Washington and Brussels is now backed up by long-range missiles and technical guidance coming from NATO, which killed at least four civilians and wounded dozens more. The Russian Foreign Ministry said, “Such actions will not remain unanswered.” Donald Trump correctly identified the cause of the […]
The LaRouche Organization, Released on 6/20/24 Mackinder’s geopolitical doctrine insisted that there must be no unified policy of western nations with Russia in alliance with Eurasian nations. The peace proposal presented by Putin on June 14 included an economic development perspective for Eurasia, which the west sees as a threat. Therefore, no negotiations to end […]