We are already in WW3 warns General Flynn!

We are already in WW3 warns General Flynn!

Alex Jones – X, Released on 12/9/24 The desperate Biden admin is literally marching the world in to nuclear war to stop Trump! *The segment begins at 5:55 pic.twitter.com/OAufIAlBys — Modern Warfare with Alex Jones (@AlexJonesMW3) December 9, 2024 Lieutenant General, US ARMY (Retired) Michael T. Flynn is a subject matter expert in Diplomacy, Statecraft, […]

Martin Armstrong Reveals Key Intel On Russia-Ukraine Escalations

CapitalCosm, Released on 11/28/24 Martin Armstrong is a world renown economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model. He is the founder of Armstrong Economics – a public service and blog for the average person to comprehend the global economy and for professionals to access the most sophisticated international analysis possible. He published a […]

General Flynn Lays Out What Will Happen In The Next Couple Of Days As WWIII Continues To Escalate Towards Nuclear Exchange

Alex Jones – X, Released on 11/25/24 *The segment begins at 4:15 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: General Flynn Lays Out What Will Happen In The Next Couple Of Days As WWIII Continues To Escalate Towards Nuclear Exchange PLUS— How The Biden Admin Could Declare Martial Law/National Security Emergency Orders To Maintain Power LIVE:https://t.co/qdOYnVGtyz pic.twitter.com/n1jcKC8XWP — Alex Jones […]

Bill Holter on Gold & Silver’s Sharp Monday Selloff, & Russia Firing Hypersonic Missiles

Arcadia Economics, Released on 11/26/24 You may not have heard a lot about it yet, but there’s been a disconcerting recent escalation in the Russia/Ukraine/US dynamics, which Bill Holter reveals in today’s show. He talks about what’s changed in the war, where it’s heading, why the dynamics are shifting now, and also his thoughts about […]

Scott Ritter: How Close to Nuclear War?

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom, Released on 11/25/24 Scott Ritter is an author and pundit and a former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector. He served as a junior military analyst during Operation Desert Storm and then as a member of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) overseeing the disarmament […]

Chris Martenson: Peak Insanity: Neocons are Risking Armageddon

Peak Prosperity, Released on 11/25/24 You’d think, based on the near-total lack of coverage, that tensions between NATO and Russia were neither worrisome nor escalating. But we’ve since learned that some ‘senior officials’ promoted the idea of giving Ukraine nukes, that France has ‘no red lines’ for the use of its weapons against Russia, and […]

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