Wall Street Silver, Released on 1/14/22 For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE Rick Rule joins us to describe the conditions that he believes will launch the next phase of the silver & gold bull market. Rick also likes oil and natural gas investments right now. Rick Rule, founder and chairman of Sprott Global […]
Kitco News, Released on Released on 12/6/21 Bitcoin has fallen 30% from its November highs, but Gareth Soloway, chief market strategist of InTheMoneyStocks.com, just bought more at the $48,000 level, as he expects a short-term bounce. 0:00 – Bitcoin’s recent moves 9:19 – Stock market correction 13:55 – Bitcoin price outlook 16:32 – Natural gas […]
David Moadel, Released on 11/2/21 Contact me at [email protected] David Moadel is a trader and investor of stocks and options. A former elementary school teacher, David has a master’s degree in education and a unique ability to convey knowledge in the area of finance. He has coached many people and likes to combine fundamental and […]
Howe Street, Released on 10/26/21 Chris Vermeulen has been involved in the markets since 1997 and is the founder of Technical Traders Ltd. He is an internationally recognized technical analyst, trader, and is the author of the book: 7 Steps to Win With Logic.
Wall St. For Main St., Released on 10/23/21 Aaron thinks that the rally in coal, oil and nat gas may be taking a break soon, especially natural gas. Is the cold winter and the energy crisis in China and Europe already priced into energy markets? Aaron also thinks that US Treasury yields may break out. […]
Wealthion, Released on 10/12/21 Energy is suddenly headline news. Oil, which traded at negative prices for a brief moment last year due to the global economic slowdown caused by the pandemic, is now expected by a number of analysts to hit $100/barrel soon. Europe is worried about not having enough natural gas to heat its […]
Howe Street, Released on 10/8/21 Bob Hoye is a trained geologist, successful resource investor and economic historian. Bob is the chief investment strategist for chartsandmarkets.com.
Wall St. For Main St., Released on 10/7/21 All forms of energy are politicized. Gas price surges to a record high in Europe on supply concerns https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/05/gas-p… Europe’s Energy Crisis: A Real Danger https://www.theepochtimes.com/europes… Enabled by Biden, Putin declares energy war on Europe https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/op… China Insights video: ‘Unprecedented’ China Power Outages: Close Factories and Threaten […]