The US Government Needs Bitcoin with Luke Gromen & Preston Pysh

What Bitcoin Did, Released on 7/29/24 (Recorded 7/25/24) In this interview, we discuss the desperate global debt problem, American decline & global monetary strategies, Bitcoin vs dollar milkshake scenarios, and how the US could back treasuries with Bitcoin to alleviate its looming debt burden. “There’s really no fix…I know part of the reason that part […]

Luke Gromen: Expect Market Turbulence Ahead Due To Tightening Liquidity

Adam Taggart | Thoughtful Money, Released on 7/9/24 Former Vice President Dick Cheney famously said “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter” True or not, running greater and greater federal budget deficits has become standard operating procedure for Washington DC. When Cheney uttered those words, the annual deficit was in the low hundreds of billions. It’s […]

Luke Gromen: How the US/IMF could stop BRICS multi-currency shift

Luke Gromen: How the US/IMF could stop BRICS multi-currency shift

Luke Gromen – YouTube, Released on 6/20/24 Red-teaming how US/IMF could stop BRICS multi-currency shift; thoughts on Judy Shelton’s “Gold UST bonds” proposal… Luke Gromen is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and received his MBA from Case Western Reserve University. He earned the CFA designation in 2003. Luke provides strategic consulting services for […]

Luke Gromen discusses the paradigm shift away from US Treasuries as a reserve asset

Luke Gromen discusses the paradigm shift away from US Treasuries as a reserve asset

Wall St. For Main St., Released on 6/17/24 During this 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Luke about a permanent paradigm shift by non G7 central banks away from accumulating US Treasuries as a reserve asset and an emerging supply and demand issue developing in the US Treasury market. Luke talks about how China and many […]

Luke Gromen: Gold is replacing US Treasuries as primary global reserve asset

Luke Gromen – X, Released on 5/31/24 I've been asked for years, "What is going to replace the USD?" My answer has always been"Nothing is going to replace the USD…but gold IS replacing USTs as primary global rsv asset." Sanctions on Russian FX rsvs makes this trend likely to continue.👇 Great chart by @JanGold_ […]

Luke Gromen discusses the macroeconomic outlook for the rest of the year

The Investors Podcast, Released on 5/29/24 Luke Gromen discusses the macroeconomic outlook for the upcoming year. We cover the Fed/Treasury cap on USD, UST yields, potential changes in housing inflation metrics, and the significant backlog in transmission interconnections. Additionally, Luke explores the implications of a $1.8 trillion housing stimulus, key commodities like copper and uranium, […]

Luke Gromen: US Economic Policies of Past 40 Yrs Intentionally Being ‘Trashed,’ Impact on Gold & BTC

Kitco News, Released on 5/24/24 Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Luke Gromen, founder and president of Forest for the Trees (FFTT), and author of ‘The Mr. X Interviews.’ Gromen says the U.S. dollar is getting repriced, not replaced, while assets like gold and Bitcoin see massive gains. Gromen explains why […]